What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average?

Dow Jones Industrial Average, oftare känt som Dow eller Dow Jones, är ett aktiemarknadsindex som består av 30 av de största företagen baserade i USA. Det är ett prisviktat index vilket betyder att indexets pris är ett genomsnitt av priset på de 30 aktier som utgör det. Även om det är prisvikt betyder det inte att varje gång det sker en split ändras indexet helt, eftersom de har faktorer för att hålla indexets värde konsekvent.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average, more commonly known as the Dow or Dow Jones, is a stock market index made up of 30 of the largest companies based in the United States. It is a price-weighted index which means that the price of the index is an average of the price of the 30 stocks that make it up. Although it is price weighted, it does not mean that every time there is a split the index changes completely, as they have factors to keep the value of the index consistent.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average was first calculated on May 26, 1896 by Charles Dow and one of his business partners, statistician Edward Jones. It is the second oldest US market index, although the content of the index has changed several times. Its purpose was as straightforward as it was revolutionary. Back then, anyone who wanted to know how the stock market was doing had to filter through a lot of newspapers, magazines and hearsay, which was a huge amount of information that was very difficult to process. The Dow and Jones built the averages as a market thermometer, so a casual observer could see whether the markets as a whole were moving up or down on any given day. The average is not a simple average of the prices of all its components; rather, it is a weighted average that takes into account the differences in share prices of all the companies it tracks, and measures the change of the group as a whole. By selecting the largest and most stable companies within each of the main industrial sectors, the average serves as a stable indicator of how the markets as a whole are performing. Although there are not many companies in the Dow, it is made up of some very large and very stable Blue Chip stocks. Because these companies have proven their value over time, the ups and downs of the Dow can be a very strong indicator of investor sentiment across the economy.

Current companies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average

Short name Name
AMZN Amazon.com Inc
AXP American Express Co
AMGN Amgen Inc
AAPL Apple Inc
BA Boeing Co
CAT Caterpillar Inc
CSCO Cisco Systems Inc
CVX Chevron Corp
GS Goldman Sachs Group Inc
HD The Home Depot Inc
HON Honeywell International Inc
IBM International Business Machines Corp
INTC Intel Corp
JNJ Johnson & Johnson
KO Coca-Cola Co
JPM JPMorgan Chase and Co
MCD McDonald’s Corp
MRK Merck & Co Inc
MSFT Microsoft Corp
NKE Nike Inc
PG Procter & Gamble Co
TRV Travelers Companies Inc
UNH UnitedHealth Group Inc
CRM Salesforce Inc
V Visa Inc
VZ Verizon Communications Inc
DIS Walt Disney Co
WMT Wal Mart Stores Inc
DOW Dow Inc

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