Have you traded in Icelandic shares?

Nasdaq Island, tidigare känd som Islandsbörsen (XICE) (isländska: Kauphöll Íslands [ˈkʰœypˌhœtl ˈistlan(t)s]), är en börs belägen på Island. Börsen grundades 1985 som ett joint venture mellan flera banker och mäklarfirmor på initiativ av centralbanken. Handeln började 1986 med isländska statsobligationer och handeln med isländska aktier började så sent som 1991.

Nasdaq Iceland, formerly known as the Icelandic Stock Exchange (XICE) (Icelandic: Kauphöll Íslands [ˈkʰœypˌhœtl ˈistlan(t)s]), is a stock exchange located in Iceland. The exchange was established in 1985 as a joint venture between several banks and brokerage firms on the initiative of the Central Bank. Trading began in 1986 in Icelandic government bonds and trading in Icelandic shares started as late as 1991. Trading in Icelandic shares increased rapidly thereafter. A wide range of companies are currently listed on the exchange, including companies in retailing, fishing, transport, banking, insurance and many other areas. Due to the small size of the Icelandic economy and the low cost of listing, many of the companies traded on XICE are relatively small and relatively illiquid. All domestic trading in Icelandic bonds, shares and funds takes place on XICE. Bonds and shares are traded regularly, although liquidity is low compared to other exchanges. No funds are currently listed on the market. However, there is one exchange-traded fund, Landsbréf – LEQ UCITS ETF (LEQ) which is traded. Since its foundation, XICE has used various electronic systems. Since 2000, the exchange has used the NOREX Alliance’s SAXESS system, which allows cross-listing of shares on Nordic exchanges. No foreign company lists directly on XICE, as the small size and illiquidity of the market makes such an action redundant. Conversely, few Icelandic companies have listed abroad, including DeCODE. Faroese bonds were listed on behalf of Virðisbrævamarknaður Føroya in November 2003, and since December 2007 four Faroese shares have been listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange in Iceland. On September 19, 2006, the Icelandic Stock Exchange was taken over by the larger competitor OMX Nordic Exchange. After reaching its pre-recession peak of 3495.28 on July 20, 2007, the OMX Iceland All-Shares Index collapsed to its low of 167.77 on April 8, 2009, a 95.2% fall from peak to trough. Nine years later, the index had not yet reached 670. The OMX Iceland All-Shares Index ended the 2024 trading year at 2 388.76.

Nasdaq Iceland in figures

5 companies listed on First North 27 companies listed on the Main Market Together, these 32 companies have an aggregate market capitalization of €17 billion.

A compilation of Icelandic stocks

This list presents the listed companies in Iceland, ranked by market capitalization, and provides insight of the companies in the Icelandic market. All data as of December 30, 2024.

Short name Company Country Stock exchange Sector Market cap (MEUR)
MAREL Marel hf. IS ICSE Machinery 3 272,64


Embla Medical hf. IS CPSE Healthcare equipment and supplies 2 125,05
IPM Íslandsbanki hf. IS ICSE Bank 1 693,63
ARION Arion banki hf. IS ICSE Bank 1 689,93
SVN Sildarvinnslan Hf. IS ICSE Food products 1 236,2
BRIM Brim hf. IS ICSE Food products 1 020,34
HAGA Hagar hf IS ICSE Retail trade 823,04
KVIKA Kvika banki hf. IS ICSE Finance 684,04
FESTI Festi hf. IS ICSE Retail trade 633,16
REITIR Reitir fasteignafélag hf. IS ICSE Property management and development 587,47
HOME Heimar hf. IS ICSE Property management and development 498,28
HAMP Hampiðjan hf. IS ICSE Machinery 459,27
EIM Eimskipafélag Íslands hf. IS ICSE Maritime transport 451,02
ICEAIR Icelandair Group hf. IS ICSE Airline companies 430,02
SJOVA Sjóvá-Almennar tryggingar hf. IS ICSE Insurance 397,65
OLGERD Ölgerðin Egill Skallagrímsson hf. IS ICSE Beverages 380,05
EIK Eik fasteignafélag hf. IS ICSE Property management and development 344,91


Kaldvik AS IS OB Food products 307,93
SKAGI Vátryggingafélag Íslands hf. IS ICSE Insurance 290,52
SKEL Skel fjárfestingafélag hf. IS ICSE Retail trade 261,03
SIMINN Síminn hf. IS ICSE Telecommunications services 244,09
COLD Kaldalón hf. IS ICSE Property management and development 216,51
AFISH Arctic Fish Holding AS IS OB Food products 195,1
NOVA Nova Klúbburinn hf. IS ICSE Telecommunications services 112,65
ICESEA Iceland Seafood International hf. IS ICSE Retail trade 110,85
SYN Sýn hf. IS ICSE Telecommunications services 57,12
CLIP B Klappir Grænar Lausnir hf. IS ICSE Software 27,47
PLAY Fly Play hf. IS ICSE Airline companies 13,35
SFS B Sláturfélags Suðurlands svf. IS ICSE Food products 11,12
SOLID Solid Clouds hf IS ICSE Entertainment 3,56

Note that Embla Medical hf is also traded on Nasdaq Copenhagen in Denmark. Arctic Fish Holding AS and Kaldvik AS are also traded on the Oslo Stock Exchange.

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