Free money to pick up in Handelsbanken B
If you own Handelsbanken B, it is worth considering whether you should sell. The B share has risen sharply and is trading at a significant discount to Handelsbanken A. At the time of writing, SHB A stood at SEK 92.78 while SHB B stood at 114.60.
Both types of shares pay the same dividend, it is the voting rights that differ. This means that it may be worth considering selling the B share and buying the B share instead and getting 20 percent in cash.
Please note, if you own the share in a regular share account, it is best to check the acquisition value in advance to avoid an unpleasant tax effect. In the case of an Investment Savings Account or an Endowment Policy, no tax effects, either positive or negative, are generated by this type of transaction.
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