Did you know that the Viking also offers courses and seminars?

Under hösten 2023 har Vikingen deltagit i ett antal seminarium tillsammans med bland annat Skills Corporate Finance. Ett av dessa seminarium ser du i videon nedan. Vikingen erbjuder kurser och seminarium också. Vi för även diskussioner med ett medieföretag som önskar kunna erbjuda Vikingens tjänster till sina kunder.

During the fall of 2023, Vikingen has participated in a number of seminars together with Skills Corporate Finance, among others. You can watch one of these seminars in the video below. The Viking also offers courses and seminars. We are also in discussions with a media company that wants to offer Viking’s services to its customers.

You can also book Peter Östevik from Vikingen as a speaker and presenter. Partly to learn more about technical analysis, partly to get an insight into what goes well, and what to short according to Viking’s accurate stock market program. Of course, there is time to ask questions about this stock exchange program and to buy your own copy of the Viking. For more information contact us at

About the Viking

With Viking’s signals, you have a good chance of finding the winners and selling in time. There are many securities. With Viking’s autopilots or tables, you can sort out the most interesting ETFs, stocks, options, warrants, funds, and so on.

Click here to see what Vikingen offers: Detailed comparison – Stock market program for those who want to get even richer (vikingen.se)

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