Hi – here’s how it goes after two weeks in Vikingen Investment School!

Silver dollar fish

Silver dollar fish

Vikingen Investment School started on May 13th. Follow us on the blog to see what we sold and bought.

Today, May 27th, we have been running the Vikingen Investment School for 14 days. We started May 13th with 10,000 SEK and today the portfolio is now worth 10,618 SEK. Below you can see the descisions we made, what we sell and buy. Follow us!

Shareholdings today 27/5, as well as sell and buy changes made after we published this blog:
Gränges AB we keep Gränges even though it is standing still right now, as it is still trending upwards.
OEM Automatic we bought this stock because it broke through its resistance and had a good price for us. The OEM shows that it can still go up further, before it will most probably come to a halt for a while. We choose to sell OEM at a profit today and free up some capital.
Hoist Finance (acquiring consumer finance). Viking’s weekly chart for this stock still shows nice trend up. We maintain the stock but continue to monitor it.
24SevenOffice Group AB, a pleasure! This stock, which we bought on May 17th, is trending nicely upwards. Since the purchase, when we got a nice buy signal in Vikingens’s monthly chart with the BEST model, the stock has increased 300%. So the recommendation is: buy more of this stock if you feel compelled! It has a long way to go before it reaches its previous peak of SEK 56. The share price was this morning 22 kr SEK.
Hexatronic (HTRO), the monthly chart in Vikingen shows that this stock has only just started its upward move (120 kr has been its top price). We are watching the stock, which is now at just over SEK 57, when it reaches SEK 58-59 it will probably level off and we may sell!
Frontline Plc which is on the NYSE and chugging along. A safe anchor in our portfolio.
LL Lucky Games AB we bought on 21/5 because it showed strong upside, was cheap and a bit odd. We bought 20 shares for SEK 0.650 because we had a modest amount to trade for (SEK14). LL Lucky Games was trending strongly upwards last week but now you can’t access the company’s website, which is a bad sign in our opinion. We sell our 20 shares at a small loss per share. Better to sell on time than to wait and loose a lot.

We sell OEM and LL Lucky Games and buy Silver!
Now we have a total of 1792 kr to invest. We invest the money by buying certificates on silver. We choose Bull Silver x15 Nordnet. However, it is important that you as an investor are aware that certificates involve an extra risk. Certificates can of course go up, in this case with a leverage of x 15. But they can also go down. But we trust the buy signals in Vikingen and are prepared to take a calculated risk!

As we wrote in Vikingen’s NewsletterMay 24thsilver has fallen down to its resistance and Vikingen is indicating an upturn. This is what we wrote in the Vikingen newsletter:

“Silver has gone down to its support of 30 USD. Now the precious metal is trending upwards. Is a turnaround underway? In this case, Silver certificates are particularly interesting. Follow Certificate if it is included in your Vikingen subscription. Add Certificate to Viking if you don’t have it”!

Here you can read an informative article by Erik Forsell on silver trading.

What is the Vikingen Investment School?
The Vikingen Investment School started on May 13th, 2024. We, two women without huge savings, have invested SEK 10,000 and hope that you, out there, will join us in learning how to get rich(-er) on the stock market. Our ambition is that you will recognize yourself in us and want to join us from being beginners to knowledgeable investors. Whether you’re younger and hungrier with a longer investment horizon (like Freya) or more mature with less time to your retirement (like Catrin), we hope this journey will inspire you to learn more about investing through Vikingen Financial Software. If you have more than SEK10,000 to invest, it’s of course even more interesting, but the principles are the same.

Vikingen takes the course!
Through Vikingen Financial Software and our mentor Peter Östevik, we select the stocks / other investment objects that are most worth buying here and now. Follow us on FB and/or Linkedin.

We hope that our journey and increased knowledge in technical analysis and stock trading will attract more people like you. Investing in the stock market does not have to take lots of time or be complicated. We learn step by step together. With Peter Östevik as our mentor! Peter has been using Vikingen for 37 years and has developed several of its unique models, including the BEST Model!

To be continued!
We look forward to you following us on FB and/or Linkedin.
We will probably return with a shorter update on May 31st!
But otherwise, we will see you via this blog on June 3rd again.

Vikingen Financial Software would like to remind you that past positive results do not always indicate future profits, and that all stock market trading is at your own risk.

Yours sincerely
Catrin Abrahamsson-Beynon



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